Hello my Friends!
Week two with the sketches just passed so it's time to reveal the results of our live streams. We made two beautiful cards. Actually it turned we made a set - card for him and her. Firstly I will present you this week sketch:

The focus point in both projects are wings. To make them look unique I use some mix media techniques. The pink ones were painted with watercolors and then edges embossed with black shiny embossing powder. The big wings I painted with liquid acrylics and finished of with some waxes. How I made second wings you can see on the video attached on the bottom of the post.
Now time to reveal our cards:
Card for her:

Card for him:

I hope you liked my last week projects.
Just quick reminder that we will meet again on Thursday at 7pm (wet) to create another card and also we will have a chat about colors. If you are interested please join us on https://www.facebook.com/paperlikeme/.
Thank you for today!
And see you!
I submit card for a challenge:
Вау! какое разнообразное, но очень выразительное прочтение "крылатой" темы нашего задания в блоге TDZ! Спасибо большое! Я в восторге!))) С теплом, Елена!!